Rt. Hon. Vice-President,
Rt.Hon. Acting Prime Minister,
Rt.Hon. Acting Chief Justice,
Rt. Hon. Speaker,
Excellencies/Heads of Missions and Spouses,
Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a matter of pleasure for me to welcome you all at the Office of the President to mark the Second Anniversary of the promulgation of the Constitution of Nepal. The Constitution Day is being celebrated with special programs both in the country and abroad as National Day.
The Constitution of Nepal is the culmination of aspirations and relentless struggle of the people of Nepal for democracy, freedom of speech, fundamental rights, people’s sovereignty, human rights, and expeditious economic and social transformation based on social justice. We are eager to implement the letter and spirit of constitution to make our country and people prosperous and happy through pursuance of an economy oriented towards socialism.
Besides ending political transition, the constitution has charted a roadmap for local, regional and federal level elections for institutionalising democracy. Accordingly, all three phases of local elections are over. Similarly, preparations are in the final stage to hold regional and federal elections in the near future. I call upon the Government, political parties and people to focus on all-round social and economic development of the country in consonance with the aspirations of people once elections to all levels are completed.
Esteemed Members of Diplomatic Community,
As a country with full adherence to the Charter of the United Nations and one of the founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement, Nepal is committed to further develop and promote relations with all countries. Nepal reiterates its faith in the norms and values of supremacy of the constitution, rule of law, human rights and democracy. Nepal is equally conscious of the relevance of world peace, prosperity and environmental conservation.
On this occasion, I extend our sincere thanks to all friendly countries and international organisations for their support to our endeavours for restoration and institutionalisation of democracy and socio-economic prosperity. I am fully confident that your support and goodwill towards realising our efforts for economic and social development will continue.
To conclude, let me extend sincere thanks to all of you for your presence at this function.
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Office of the President
Sheetal Niwas, Kathmandu