Keynote address by Rt. Hon’ble Mr. Ramchandra Paudel, President of Nepal at the High-Level event of the 112th International Labour Conference and the Inaugural Session of the Global Coalition for Social Justice

Mr. President, Your Excellencies, Heads of State and Government, Director-General of the International Labour Organization, Colleagues of the Global Coalition for Social Justice, Representatives of Workers and Employers, Ladies and Gentlemen! Namaskar! I bring greetings and best wishes from the people of Nepal, the land of Mount Everest, and the birthplace of Buddha, for the success of this conference. Likewise, I extend my hearty congratulations to the ILO fraternity on the inauguration of the Global Coalition for Social Justice. I express my gratitude to the ILO Director-General for inviting me to address this conference as keynote speaker. I feel honored Read More …

Appointment of Non-resident Ambassadors of Nepal

Right Hon’ble President Mr. Ramchandra Paudel has appointed Mr. Ram Prasad Subedi, Ambassador of Nepal to Switzerland and Permanent Representative of Nepal to the United Nations in Geneva, as the non-resident ambassador of Nepal to the Republic of San Marino and Mr. Lok Bahadur Thapa, Ambassador/ Permanent Representative of Nepal to the United Nations in New York, as the non-resident ambassador of Nepal to the Republic of Nicaragua as per the Article 282 (1) of the Constitution of Nepal on 10 June 2024.