The Right Honourable President invites to stake Claim for the Post of Prime Minister

Right Honorable President Mrs. Bidya Devi Bhandari has invited members of the House of the Representatives commanding majority of the House with the support of two or more parties represented in the House of the Representatives to stake claim for the  appointment as the Prime Minister by 9 pm on May 13, 2021 according to the Article 76(2) of the Constitution of Nepal as a letter from  the Right Honourable Speaker of the House of the Representatives of the Federal Parliament dated May 10, 2021 mentioned that  Rt. Honorable Prime Minister Mr. KP Sharma Oli, who was appointed Prime Minister  on February 15, 2018 as per the Article 76 (2), sought vote of confidence  of the House of the Representatives on May 10, 2021  as per the Article 100 (1) and failed to secure it according to  the Article 100 (3) of the Constitution of Nepal.

Keshav Prasad Ghimire

Deputy Spokesperson

10 May 2021